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Ruiz Zafon , Carlos; Ruiz , Carlos
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A fascinating posthumous collection of Carlos Ruiz Zafón's beloved stories, some of them unpublished, together for the first time in a single volume. A Vintage Espanol Trade Paperback Original. [English translation of title: The City of Steam] A young man decides to become a writer when he discovers that his craft sparks the interest of a rich girl who has stolen his heart. An architect flees Constantinople with blueprints for an unimaginable library. A strange gentleman tempts Cervantes to write a book that has never existed. And Gaudí, arriving to a mysterious rendezvous in New York, takes pleasure in the city's light and steam, the stuff that all cities should be made of. The echo of the characters and motifs of Ruiz Zafón's Cemetery of Forgotten Books series resonates in these stories, collected for the first time in a single volume, and crafted by a writer whose storytelling magic has made us dream like no other.

Editora Vintage Espanol
ISBN-13 9780593314371
ISBN 0593314379
Edição 0 / 2020
Idioma Português
Páginas 224
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