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Hugh Walters
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Mission to Mercury (1965) -- Chris Godfrey of U.N.E.X.A. (United Nations Exploration Agency) Series, #9 -- Preceded by "Terror by Satellite" and "Journey to Jupiter". Followed by Spaceship to Saturn ("Vôo para Saturno") '-' Um perigo desconhecido e invisivel ameaça os 4 astronautas da Missão Mercurio. Um deles, é uma garota com poderes telepáticos que se tornará o alvo principal do terror. . .====https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mission_to_Mercuryhttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hugh_Walters_(author)Hugh Walters (15 June 1910 – 13 January 1993) was a British writer of juvenile science fiction novels from Bradley in the West Midlands region of the United Kingdom. At the age of 47 he wrote his first book in secret under the pseudonym of Hugh Walters.His first novels mostly dealt with the exploration of other planets in our solar system. Written for a juvenile audience, they had a scientific foundation, anticipating such advances as ion engines. Walters turned to writing novels concerning alien visits after all the planets had been explored. The main characters in his novels were two British astronauts, an American, and a Russian. Their names were Chris Godfrey, Tony Hale, Morrey Kant and Serge Smyslov, respectively. Later missions used a pair of telepathic twins, Gill and Gail Patrick, for communication. . .

Editora Galeria Panorama
ISBN-13 9780571063802
ISBN 0571063802
Edição 1 / 1968
Idioma Inglês
Páginas 156
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