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Chris Cross (artist) , Terry Kavanagh (author)
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Brief Description: Nate is in France, earning his keep by cutting down trees for food. He leaves and rides on the roof of a train to Paris, thinking about his life on this new world. Arriving at the border in England after hitching a ride, he has trouble without his telepathy, but eventually eludes the police officers. After hitching a ride in the back of a truck, Nate arrives at Stonehenge, where he sees a strange energy formation. In Texas, Bruce Banner meets up with Rick Jones and his wife, as Rick is being released from hospital. But they have an argument, and Bruce turns into the Hulk and leaps away. Finding himself in the Grand Canyon, the Hulk hears a strange voice and a rock formation appears. A figure emerges from energy in the rock formation, and eventually, it is revealed to be Thanos, who tells the Hulk that he has a plan for him. Nate is transported through the energy at Stonehenge to the rock formation in the Grand Canyon. Nate engages the Hulk in battle, attempting to prevent the Hulk and Thanos from touching, which Nate assumes will free Thanos from the energy field. They battle for some time, with Nate covering himself in a psychic armor, until eventually Thanos is freed from the energy in the rock formation. But it’s a trap as the Hulk is granted new power by the energy, he and Nate work together to put Thanos back in the stone circle, where he is powerless, and he is transported away. Nate is transported with him, but ends up back at Stonehenge, and the Hulk’s new power fades quickly.

Editora Marvel Comcis
ISBN 5960604499
Edição 1 / 1998
Idioma Português
Páginas 48
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